Blends CM Social Media Content

Layout Design

A curated body of work for Blends Costa Mesa for instagram from 2022 to present. An ongoing series, will update as it continues.

Blends CM Doc Marten Ad

Mixed Media Scan
Poster/Layout Design

Doc Martens is infamous in the punk subculture so I wanted create something that payed homage to that while adhering to Blends’ minimalist design language. Utilizing the Ecom photos directly from the Blends Webstore, I printed out 6 individual models and cut them into multiple strips. I then glued the pieces of each shoe together on a white sheet of paper to be scanned. The jagged edges and DIY aspect of the design provided the edgy feel I wanted to provide. The main advertisement used is the most minimal with no text added, less is more. 

Blends Holiday Gift Guide 

Editorial Design
Layout Design
Photos by Ru Palacio 

The Blends Holiday Gift Guide, a curation of goods in-store that will be perfect for last second gift giving for the holidays. The gift guide is reminiscent & takes inspiration of early mom & pop sneaker store catalogs from the 90s & early 2000s infused with the Blends design language of modern minimal elegance.

Blends Black Friday Poster Series